Of the Sacred Thracian Language and Writing
Of the Sacred Thracian Language and Writing
How does that concern us…? Well, it should concern us because the Thracian language is the ancient BOGARIAN . . . and today’s Bulgarian is neo-Thracian . . . So what follows from this? . . . It depends….
However, this certainly means that you unconsciously use words which invoke events occurring in your life and that of the people close to you. Scary, huh? This most ancient Speech, which is incorporated in our speaking (but also as images in the subconsciousness and dreams), functions even without being “acknowledged” or “accepted”. All who use words and images fall (whether they like it or not) under the unrelenting, invisible, universal law of the Word and His judgements…
We are mostly what we speak or think. Everything you perceive through your five senses, every experience, every reality in which you live is information which the ancients called the Word. In Him we move and have our being…
The ancients communicated with the visible and the invisible nature through the Speech in all Its forms – that is why It was sacred to them. The effect of this speech was the foundation of the Science and the Wisdom of the ancients, and writing was the means by which this information was conveyed to the next ones who were initiated in it. Thracians (according to The Thracian Chronicles and The Thracian Epistles) were experts in the science of invocation, in which the Thracian conjurers used their Native – Divine (according to them) – Speech. They believed that they spoke the Primordial Language breathed into their ancestors by God Himself. Thence, the art of invocation was called “thracation” among ancient peoples who spoke other languages (Greeks called it “threscation”).
The other peoples spoke languages derived from the First Speech. Those languages were mixed up by God because of the theomachy of men (according to the Holy Scriptures, after the construction of the Tower of Babel). Actually, since then peoples have been divided into nations descending from clans which, in turn, descended from families lead by fathers, but the main trait by which they recognize and determine themselves is the language they speak as an inheritance from their ancestors. But the languages of peoples lost the initial semantic fullness of the First Tongue, the spiritual inner structure of its words, their mystical etymology, as well as that grammar which reveals the relationship NOT only with the physical and the social environments that surround us, but also with the invisible worlds of the Sacred territory.
It was this degradation of languages which resulted in the emergence of the word “heathens” (in Bulgarian – “ezichnik” which means “one who does not speak your language”) defining the loss of the Divine Language and Its mediation. Important primary segments of the First Speech are missing in the speeches of peoples, certain consonants are unpronounceable to them, intonational nuances of invocation are lost – a vital part of the usage of the Word, as we have already mentioned above.
The morphology and lexis of the ancient Thracian Speech reveals the multiple primordial layers of the meaning of the Words alongside an unimaginably primordial syntactical word order unfolding Reality as multiple dimensions of different times and spaces, in which the speculative characters and living beings communicate and interact with one another – from the physical reality to the subtle levels of the parallel worlds. This type of Word creates and “travels” over the entire multidimensional Universe and its inhabitants. Let us also note that the words in the Divine Language which are phonetically close are also close in content in the context of a grammar which arranges the sentences not at the horizontal level of the visible reality, but at the vertical level of the invisible prime causes for events…
So the origin of the other languages from the Thracian First-Language corresponds with the Thracian origin of many ancient peoples and their civilizations (the Egyptian, the Crete-Minoan, the Hittite and other ancient civilizations which emerged in the territory within the four rivers of Paradise: Pison (the oldest name of the Danube River), Tigris, Euphrates and Nile, according to the Holy Scriptures and the testimony of the holy fathers).
It has been ten years now since the Institute of T-Science published the first works of Dr. Stephen Guide of the series The Thracian Script Decoded. Providence has always used such strong figures who have changed history, knowledge and society forever. His work totally reformed our notion of the Thracians and their civilization. It changed the social environment and attitude towards this topic, and this change has grown progressively in time in terms of significance and relevance… Before his discoveries, Thracologists totally rejected the existence of Thracian writing. Even the link between the Thracians and the Eneolithic societies (including the archeological findings from the Varna Necropolis) was denied. The link with Egypt (which Guide first pointed out through the reading of the tablets from Gradeshnitsa and Karanovo in 2006) was also furiously rejected. Since then, many scientists have “evolved” in their views, but, of course, without mentioning the person whose discoveries they rejected so furiously. New “experts” and “linguists” taking “the new course” have emerged. Everything else written by Guide will most likely be confirmed after a while by the researchers sponsored by the system, but…after a while, when the “turnaround” of the “responsible factors” won’t seem so sharp and they will manage to claim the “laurels” relying on the short memory and the ignorance of the public. Plagiarizing bloggers even now promote his ideas as their own.
The ancient artefacts which are the subject of his studies and discoveries are kept in museums in Bulgaria and abroad. They represent various religious items – clay vessels and tablets (known from the American scientific publications as artefacts from the Danube Civilization), golden and silver treasures, inscriptions on megaliths and temple complexes, as well as other carriers of information contained in hieroglyphs – the sacred ideograms of the Thracian priestly figurative script, as well as in preserved inscriptions and documents in the phonetic Thracian (Boharic) linear script (for more details: the series The Thracian Script Decoded – 1, 2, 3 & 4).
Unfavorable climate and long usage during millennia has left also an extra mark on some of the artefacts (dating back to 7000 B.C.) – damages on the initial drawing lines, which make the fixation of the authentic image on them difficult. That is why it is exceptionally important to conduct an extra deep analysis, computer treatment and reconstruction of the artefact, in order to obtain the most trustworthy graphics, so that we are able to read what was drawn by our ancestors rather than by time or elements of nature.
It is typical for these most ancient ideograms from the dawn of human civilization that their calligraphic style is very simplified – someone could even say that they look openly primitive. Without a linguistic and computer treatment and expertise, the otherwise convincing link with the Egyptian hieroglyphs, which are well known to the wider audience and are later (by nearly a millennium) than the Thracian symbols and deriving from them, is not apparent everywhere at first glance (with a naked eye). This “primitivism” of the drawings is quite normal because ancient mystics wrote these symbols neither for tourists, nor for the sake of beauty of images (they are not the product of the museum art), but as hidden messages meant for the invisible powers that read human actions and evocations differently. The sacred ideograms are portals to spiritual, parallel realities and not a form of art. Mystical thinking and imagery, similar to children’s drawings, does not pay so much attention to the outer picturesqueness of a drawing because it is mostly a vessel of the contents known only by the initiated priests and their invisible spirits-mediators…
Such a way of seeing is similar to the lack of clarity in dreams, where dreamers understand and know more than what they see. The imagery there is insufficient and fragmented, but the subconscious content overwhelms the feelings and the consciousness of dreamers to such a degree that while dreaming they rarely realize that they are dreaming, regardless of the usually poor picturesqueness. The images are real to them, as they indeed are, containing messages from the other side of our lives, namely the spiritual one…
And much like with images in abstract art, viewers can often feel but not always distinguish the symbols or understand the message because they does not know the author’s language and design. Of course, nobody who is prejudiced and has pre-attitude towards rejecting the presence of the Figurative Speech on the artefacts will see the ideograms (including the “Thracologists” from the past, to whom these are just decorations). The bare eye of people who lack knowledge looks but does not see – in the same way it does not see and understand (“does not read”) the messages in their dreams and the signs in their lives. We give neither physical nor spiritual sight. That is God’s work… really.
Along with the pictographic Thracian script and its ideograms predating the Egyptian hieroglyphs by a whole millennium, Dr. Guide managed – through linguistic analysis after the methodology of the Transcendent Science – to read the earliest models of phonetic script in our lands, like the inscription on the ring from Ezerovo, the Kyolmen inscription, king Midas’ stele and many other artifacts scattered across the Thracian diaspora in antiquity that have been known to science for a long time (but were unread before Guide). These ancient inscriptions predate (according to dating done by scientists) the creation of the Greek alphabet, so it is obvious that it derives from the Thracian alphabet and not the other way around. Furthermore, the inscriptions contain letters which are not present in the later, derivative Greek alphabet, but, in fact, are present in the Egyptian (Coptic) phonetic one, which was until recently thought to have emerged much later. How can we explain that? Dr. Guide discovered ancient documents – Sacred texts of the Thracian mystery tradition – which pointed out the Thracians (the initial rulers of the sea before the Greeks’ arrival, according to Herodotus) as the creators of the Egyptian civilization. This explains why artifacts with hieroglyphs predating the Egyptian ones by a millennium have been found in our lands. It becomes clear why we find much more ancient inscriptions of the phonetic linear alphabet in the territories inhabited by the Thracians in ancient times, also known as Boharic alphabet, which, according to the Greek ecclesiastical theory, was created at the earliest in the 4th or 5th century A.D. on the basis of the Greek letters. Scientists have questioned such a hypothesis for a long time, tracing the origin of this alphabet back to at least the time of the Ptolemaic dynasty – the Macedonian dynasty which ruled over late Egypt after the campaigns of Alexander the Great. But the even older inscriptions found in Thrace – written with its letters and read by Guide – clearly show that the Boharic alphabet is much more ancient and NOT of local (Egyptian) origin. Of course, neither the Greeks nor the Copts would acknowledge (you can guess why) that their writings are of Thracian origin.
Dr. Stephen Guide also read inscriptions and hieroglyphs located in Egypt itself, which correspond to the older ones found in Thrace (more details in his works The Thracian Script), by pointing out the derivation of the Boharic language (Coptic dialect) from the Ancient Thracian Language, by revealing their identical etymology to words and names from the Existence of our Ancient forefathers, as well as names of rivers, lakes and mountains to Words – Names from the Divine Speech, sanctifying their sacred territory, wherever their migrations reach. Also the succession between the ancient Thracian (Boharic) and the neo-Thracian (the modern Bulgarian) can be traced through the short dictionary with a parallel analysis of the Thracian (Boharic) words and their derivatives in our modern language, published by Dr. Guide (in the fourth book of The Thracian Script series).
Ancient authors wrote about Orpheus that he had command of all languages, even those of animals and birds. This does not mean that he was an impossible polyglot, but that he had command of the One Language of Creation, which is present in all others. The laws of both animate and inanimate nature obey this Speech. This Word (not only as verbal) affects all five senses (those of both external and internal perception). In terms of sound, it contains the whole richness of sound in Creation. The language of Orpheus is the one with the richest phonetics, the fullest vibrational structure and intonational melody, because it is the First-language of humanity. In contrast to other Indo-European languages, Bulgarian and Boharic (as its much more ancient primary source) contain the consonants (zh, dzh, ts, tsh, sh, sht), which confirms their common origin from Thracian – the language with the richest melody. I have no desire to comment on some “Thracologists” and “linguists” who make “authoritative” conclusions on what kind of consonants were and were not present in the Thracian speech. Their definitiveness is ridiculous, considering the fact that they deny the existence of Thracian writing – and its phonetics is the only thing that makes possible for us to know for sure how the Thracian speech sounded. Their claims are just guesses and impotent theories (but artificially affirmed as “proven facts”), groping about in a field where they are completely blind. DNA analyses definitively confirm that we Bulgarians are descendants of the native inhabitants – the Thracians. Adding the evidence documented in The Thracian Chronicles – that Asparukh’s Bulgarians were Getae (Goths), one of the Thracian royal families, returning to their original homeland – there is nothing we can do but acknowledge: the Thracian Language is alive, spoken even until today in its successor – the modern Bulgarian.
Our ancient ancestors honored and worshiped their First-language as a Speech of Creation, from which the ethnonym Bulgarians is derived – as a way of self-determination of the people speaking the Boharic Language (which means “divinely creative”). This explains why the people of God and His Word are called Slovens (Slavs) – a name given in ancient times to all those who had accepted the spiritual civilization through the Language of the people of God…
But… the revealing of the Thracian Writing is not aimed at the ephemeral goal of uplifting our national self-esteem by showing how great we Bulgarians were in ancient times. So what if our ancestors were great, when their descendants today are slaves of their own ignorance, resembling princes who became beggars because they had sold their birthright for a “mess of pottage”. The point of the rediscovering and deciphering the Thracian Script and Language is that the worthy among Bulgarians should regain the INSTRUMENT through which to become great again, to master the spiritual knowledge and wisdom of their forefathers. That is why Guide’s work is not appreciated, either, among the circles that want only a nationalistic sham, but not real content and change.
The Thracian Writing and Its Sacramental Language do not need to prove themselves – the proof is in the results of their very use and life. They are not for everyone, as they weren’t in ancient times either (we know from the testimonies of ancient authors that only those who were initiated in the mystery community had access to them). It is the same with the Sacred Memory. The true history is like a biography. Its full version is only when it is written in first person, because your own self-evaluation, personal experience, which contains much more layers of the Genuineness, is more important than what others think of you. That is why we at the Institute of T-Science are not called upon just to inform, but to teach the practice of Wisdom. It makes no difference to us if we are applauded or “acknowledged” as “scientists” (big deal!), but what’s important for us is to understand and apply the ancient technologies in this reality from which all events follow… in order to be able to help those who seek help by showing them a way out of every situation and the path towards the realization of everything. We work for acknowledgement which cannot be understood by those who seek acknowledgement from men, slaves of false authorities and false science. Stephen Guide is not only a doctor and a scientist (he cherished this title least of all when he was in flesh among us). First of all, he is a wise man sent from God, to Whom he returned and in Whom his prize and possessions are now. So you can see why we cannot take offence to detractors, nor be charmed by flatterers.
It is not by chance that Dr. Guide uses the tracing of the researcher’s “thread” as a knack, which leads the reader on the adventure to co-discover, together with the author, the sensational conclusions from the researched material (armed, of course, with the reliable methodology). Such a presentation awakens the intuitive thinking which is in the basis of every insight and discovery. In this sense, his books can also be a personal guide-book for all who want to break the pattern of the ossified dogmas of science, which lead to nowhere…
But what irritates Guide’s opponents the most are the very translations of the messages on the ancient artifacts presented in his books, which are also the Key to the grammar of the Ancient Speech. They sound so clearly theological and in harmony with the teaching of the Christian Holy Trinity, and have nothing to do with the mumbo-jumbo of “Thracologists” and “Egyptologists” who have perverted the faith of ancient people in their own image and likeness, turning it into nonsense and superstition. The translations are the “offence” and the “contradiction” which, besides everything else, are also a Stone of Stumbling, in which those who are NOT meant for the secrets of the Sacred Language shall stumble. So the Key is in front of the eyes of everyone, but it is inaccessible to those who are spiritually blind – those who say “we see” and “we know”. It is written about the “wise” (in their own eyes): “God catches the wise in their own craftiness…”; “Professing to be wise, they became fools…”
Let us say a few words about Biblia Bessica (the Bible of the Thracian tribe Bessi), too.
In order to find the texts of the Holy Scripture in Thracian, Dr. Guide (look at The Thracian Script 4) followed the methodology (but reversing it) which St. Constantine Cyril the Philosopher used to find out the people who spoke God’s language (Boharic) and the land they inhabited. While the saint was examining the prophesies in the Boharic Bible lying on the altar (this Bible has been used up to now at Coptic churches and services) at the temple in Alexandria where he served, he got a revelation about his mission to the Bulgarian people. All this is described in the Legend of Thessaloniki – an apocrypha known to scholars, but ignored and underestimated just because it contradicts to the commonly accepted nowadays Greek version and because its language is typical for that troubled times of persecution by the imperial authorities and church – it is a story full of allegories and symbols. This linguistic method was used by the initiated ones to code their messages so that they were comprehensible only for the close adherents, and Dr. Guide used it in a reversed way to reveal the authentic Biblia Bessica. Examining different transcripts of the Holy Gospels in Boharic, he discovered that Biblia Beshoi (translated from Boharic – “the naked”, “the open” Bible) was actually the long-searched Biblia Bessica – the Holy Scripture in the Language of the prophets from the Thracian priest tribe of Bessi (Greeks don’t have the consonant “sh” in their language – instead they pronounce “s”, and this is the reason for the wrong pronunciation, starting point and direction in which scholars have been looking for the Thracian Bible unsuccessfully until now).
In the first centuries AD, the early church did not have a united Bible body containing all the New Testament books. There were different transcripts shared among the ecclesiastical communities scattered all over the empire. What is more, often we get scant information or parts of ancient authors’ writings only by collections written by other writers in ancient times. In this way they managed to preserve for us precious works which otherwise would have been irrevocably lost or destroyed. In a similar way Guide collected the various transcripts dispersed across the liturgical and theological literature of the Coptic Church. But these transcripts have preserved separate parts of the original Bible in the Thracian language.
In the process of studying Biblical or other ancient texts, scholars come across transcripts which differ in particular words, phrases or lack them, and they finally come to the prime source containing the words, the layers and the meanings of all its transcripts. This was the approach Dr. Guide applied in order to restore – through separate transcripts in Boharic – layers of meanings which were obliterated from the Gospel texts by church translators. The presence of words like Thracian, Thracians, Orpheus … and many others … in the New Testament papers (look at The Thracian Script 4) is an unequivocal evidence of the origin of the initial text which was the source for the other transcripts of the Holy Scriptures. The restoration of the original text out of a great number of transcripts in Boharic, which differ in some of the paragraphs, could be done only by linguistic and theological analysis. This is necessary, especially when we deal with the Ancient Speech whose words have great many possible meanings; this Speech contains different layers of messages in a sentence. Many words in the texts of the Bible, written in the Sacred Language of the Thracians, were translated in Greek with only one of their meanings, without the complicated semantic multilayeredness. The open (uncovered/revealed/revelational) Thracian Bible in Boharic could be called also the Book of the Names because it contains Words-Names of notional aspects of the creation Speech. These words are adjectives, as well as ethnonyms, epithets – characteristics of essences in the heavenly world. This is the peculiarity of the Thracian language, a language which does not only reveals a visible action within the horizontal dimension, but also opens our vision to the invisible events from the gospel story where the names prophesy the spiritual ranks (not material and physical) at spiritual places… For example, the word Thracians also means “the radiant”, i.e. the sons and the daughters of the Light, that radiant, Divine Light which appeared at the Mount of Transfiguration. We need such a Bible, Bible-Revelation of the Living Devine Word, so that by walking in His Light we turn into sons and daughters of the Light…
So, Biblia Beshoi (Bessica) was right under scholars’ noses “disguised” as “Coptic”. Nowadays Boharic language is used only in the Divine Liturgy because the Arabic has been established as the spoken language for the Copts. There are several official versions of Boharic, which differ in their age. It’s easy to explain the influence of Boharic on the other Coptic dialects (which are no longer used by the Copts in their daily life) over the centuries, because they are also versions of the same First-language spread among Egyptians by their colonizers and civilizers (the Thracians) in antiquity. It is also important to mention the secondary, later interference (partial reform of the language) by the Greek (Byzantine) “Orthodoxy”. Numerous words and sentences in the texts were censored in order to hide any kind of relation with the Thracian-Egyptian past (and its “heretic” faith), because this sacred past compromised the Judaic and Greek versions of Christ’s teaching. Doctrinal “smoothing” (by replacing with Greek words and newly introduced terms of the Greek “orthodox” dogmatism) of the initial messages of the original text of the Holy Scriptures in Boharic has made many of the known transcripts unreliable (because they were forged) for restoring the prototype of the Boharic (Thracian) language. This is not an isolated case because after the advent of Christianity during the first centuries AD some serious changes occurred in the languages of all peoples that translated the sacred texts according to the need of the newly believed. Greek “Koine” (common Greek) originated from such translations of the New Testament. Koine was imposed during the ecclesiastical times. A multitude of new words (or old words with added or changed meaning), whose meanings corresponded to the doctrines and dogmas of ecclesiastical teachings, were established through this language. The translations of the Holy Scriptures (also through Latin) brought about a language reform and a unification of the different dialects in all European languages (in much later period), played a major role in forming the literature, and thence in national self-determination.
This means that the translators of the Holy Scriptures prove to be not only reformers but also language compilers because the ancient languages they translated from do not have the same vocabulary and modern grammar used nowadays by the translators of the contemporary modified languages. So, in order to understand the ancient documents and “sink” into the layers which are beyond the literal meaning of the translated texts we need to read the Holy Scriptures in the original, in the ancient language (and writing) in which they were written. This is the only way to grasp the message in its depth as well as reach the information source as revelation. For our ancient ancestors, the Sacred Language and Writing were a means to pass on their understanding and knowledge about the universe as built of theophanies and angelophanies of the Divine Speech. Thus the world is spiritualized beyond the literal story of the physical limitation as inhabited with beings and essences which create the manifested world. Such mystical information comprises thoroughly the picture of the entire reality as eventfulness – movement and relations between the invisible primary causes and the manifestations as well as their consequences in the outer sensual physical world.
In order not to be enslaved by the letter but to discover the Spirit beyond it, we have to be aware that the Holy Scriptures do not fall literally from the sky but they have a “heavenly” origin. In order to understand the message of the Author, the Spirit, we should read and understand His Language, His Words which are also spirit and life, and not human translation languages and interpretations which castrate and limit the Divine Revelation. The apocalyptic literature of the mystical societies (including the Revelation of St. John) is a good example of how when the spiritual figurative language is literally interpreted the outcome is nonsense and absurdity, including all kind of speculations and silly foretellings by religious fanatics.
As you can see, the path to the Truth is not easy at all and can’t be grasped by mere glancing. You cannot reach the Truth without making any effort, nor by clicking at google search engine, as those who are lazy in thinking would like it to be. That is why the ancients say in their Sacred Texts: “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.” Do not expect the whole world scientific community to praise and hail the discovery of Biblia Bessica. For this would mean that they should recognize the consequences of its unique messages which change not only our idea of the millennial history but also reevaluate and reform fundamental propositions of the European and world civilization. At least, the recognition of those discoveries would cause a revolution in the Bible studies and faith. Who would allow this…… the Greek lobbies or the Jewish ones? Of course, their clappers and hirelings would become embittered first.
What would happen with the traditions and the authority of ecclesiastical institutions which use Boharic in Coptic liturgy, if they confirmed that it is in fact ancient Thracian (i.e. ancient Bulgarian)? Do Russians admit today that their language is Old Bulgarian which evolved in time (replaced by the term Church Slavonic), adopted by them through the church liturgical literature? Do you really think that churches will recognize “the heretic” origin of early Christianity as a legacy of Ancient Thrace and Egypt?
Can we really expect that they will officially publish documents and scripts incriminating them? Or again the Guide brothers should pull the burning chestnuts out of the fire, and then other people boast of being advocates of the autochthonous theory by stealing our discoveries, while they otherwise abuse us.
I will disappoint the “know-alls” who educate themselves using the internet lexis and grammar of Coptic (including the Boharic dialect), which are studied in textbooks and training aids published even online, that they are not identical with the ancient Boharic (Thracian) spoken and written by the initiated people among our ancestors. The ancient documents and the original spiritual tools are kept even now (as it has always been since antiquity until today) in the initiatory societies.
My sincere advice to all sorts of self-appointed “preachers” is not to waste their malignant poison; we don’t care about their opinion. Let fanatics not threaten us (actually, they try to look fearful) with “punishments” from on high (I hope they don’t share the mentality of terrorists considering themselves a physical weapon of “their god” for revenge) because we have “altered” the Holy Scripture (in fact, their castrated translation). The Lord doesn’t suffer because of their narrow-mindedness and selfishness. His covenants are irrevocable, so are His Words. It is impossible that He may persecute exactly those who study the secret of his Language – the Speech of His Spirit. Those who want to learn more about the numerous layers of the Holy Scriptures and their content should read The Epistle of Ethan to the Prudent from Corpus Ecclesiasticum in the collection The Thracian Epistles. We realize that those who believe in the proposition sola scriptura (“only the Scripture”) are the most “affected” by our work. Christ Himself addressed such scribes and Pharisees with the words: “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.“ (I.e. the Life which is testified by what is written in the Ancient Speech). But instead of acquiring the spiritual treasures hidden in the text, such people burry them in their literal, fleshly interpretation. They act in the same way as the lazy and wicked servant from one of Christ’s parables /St. Apostle Mathew 25:14-31/ – fruitless squanderers of God’s gifts, people who think only about their benefit and their own righteousness, but they have never tried to put their efforts in enriching God’s legacy.
If there is somebody who has a fair reason and right to be indignant at our work … these are the translators and transcribers (contemporary and ancient) of the holy prime sources, who once (and nowadays, too) served the glorifying of the Jewish people or the Greeks as the only ones “chosen by God”. Because Biblia Beshoi (in translation: the Open Bible, literally – the Bare Bible) “takes” the dirty human rags “off” the Truth, so that we can see all Its Beauty and Glory. The eternal First-language in which we read in Biblia Beshoi is always current and present because it reveals spiritual places, not geographical ones, and the spiritual ranks (not fleshly and physical). This is invaluable for those belonging to the people of the Word, those who want to follow and worship Him (the Word) as God, and not human doctrines and foreign flesh. This entire Deed is the Work of God of prophetical spirits, whose Will is to uncover prophetical messages (including the one in the Revelation of Saint John the Apostle) concerning both the present and the future of humanity…
And obviously, the demons (who otherwise perfectly know the letter of the scriptures but cannot do them) will never stop using the cowards in order to horrify the faint-hearted. Such sick souls (who, however, do not undergo treatment), always blaming and judging somebody else for the consequences of their evil choices, have caused the most serious damage to the idea which people have had about the Way of the Truth throughout the centuries, especially when such persons have held positions in the state church institutions. Lawlessness concealed behind “the rightness” of the letter has persecuted those born by the Spirit so that it can dominate over the human faith by manipulations and fears. Because of such “true believers”, people today won’t hear of God’s message. The Lord judges everyone according to the measure they apply to the others, according to their own words. God will repay for every evil devised against one’s neighbour, it will return to each evildoer. Let Him judge who has glorified Him or disgraced Him by blaspheming His name. It is better if everyone thinks about their own fruit and behavior (rather than someone else’s) according to God’s assessment, not men’s.
I am finishing with the obvious. Those who speak the language of God are logically the people of God. Bulgarians are the only ones who speak contemporary Boharic (Thracian) nowadays, but do they realize that, and do they use it righteously? Or they hurt themselves and doom themselves to poverty as a result of using a powerful instrument in a foolish and unrighteous way… Without restoring their Sacred principles, the Bulgarian people are like a tree cut off its Roots. If the root is holy, the tree is holy too; but are all Bulgarians rooted in their ancient root, are they all Bogarians (Boharians)? Do they all perform the divine sacraments by their language? Obviously not! Indeed, it is not the material heritage, but the spiritual DNA that makes you a real Bulgarian. It is not the flesh, but the loyalty to the Covenant of our holy ancestors that makes you a part of God’s elect people. As not all who call themselves “Christians” are Christ’s followers, so not every Bulgarian is Bogarian (“Bog” means “God” in Bulgarian). But the God of the Bogarians has His own chosen remnant, and perhaps it will be filled also by other people who value the eternal gifts and are thankful for them and bring forth fruit of Justice in the Kingdom of Peace…
During all the time that has passed since the publications by Dr. Stephen Guide and the Institute of T-Science, his work has been quite purposefully and intentionally isolated and substituted because it is inconvenient for the status quo as well as for those who lust for taking possession of the same sacred territory of our past. But even this works for good. All things are according to God’s foreknowledge and providence. Because the treasure of the Sacred Words should not be accessible to everybody, so that they don’t abuse it and bring destruction upon themselves. It is written: “Many called, few chosen…” Let us close the Door. Those who seek will find, and when they knock, it shall be opened to them… at the same Door.
And now let us continue: How are you – and the other Bulgarians; what is going on in Europe, around the world…?