Of the Sacred Thracian Language and Writing

Of the Sacred Thracian Language and Writing

Of the Sacred Thracian Language and Writing How does that concern us…? Well, it should concern us because the Thracian language is the ancient BOGARIAN . . . and today’s Bulgarian is neo-Thracian . . . So what follows from this? . . . It depends…. However, this certainly means that you unconsciously use words which invoke events occurring in your life and that of the people close to you. Scary, huh? This most ancient Speech, which is incorporated in our speaking (but also as images in the subconsciousness and dreams), functions even…Read more
Религия на омразата. Цветан Гайд за лицемерието на човешката религия.

Религия на омразата. Цветан Гайд за лицемерието на човешката религия.

http://rodovzavet.com/religiya-na-omrazata.html Директорът на Института по Т-Наука, разчел тракийската писменост, академик Цветан Гайд, възстановяващ приемствеността между Орфизма и учението и практиката на богомилите, и президиращ Тракийската Църква, говори за лицемерието на човешката религия. The director of the Institute of T-Science which decoded the Thracian Script Acad. Tsvetan Guide who is restoring the continuity between Orphism and the teachings and practices of the Bogomils and is the Primate of The Thracian Church, talks about the hypocrisy of the human religion.Read more